Home City Tour 48 hours or 2 days in Venice! What are the must-sees?

48 hours or 2 days in Venice! What are the must-sees?

✅ 48 hours or 2 days in Venice! What are the must-sees?

Most tourists who come to Venice are on a city trip, which means they stay a few nights in the lagoon city. So preparation is the be-all and end-all.

Visitors want to make the most of their stay and are looking for the most interesting things to do. Don’t waste your time coming to Venice unprepared; time is limited!

So getting up early is first and foremost the best tip I can give you, because that way you have the whole day to fulfil all your plans.

It is also advisable to visit Venice in the low season, e.g. in spring or fall, to avoid the crowds and better enjoy the city’s flair.

With my extensive experience of city trips to Venice, I’m here to show you the best way to discover the lagoon island.

What should you do when you arrive in Venice for the first time?

What should you do when you arrive in Venice for the first time?

It is highly advisable to arrive in Venice the evening before. Depending on where you are coming from, it can be quite a crowd to get into the city. If you are arriving by car, you will need to find a suitable parking space. If you are arriving by plane, you will need to make an airport transfer to the main island. This way you can get up early the next day and start your adventure well rested.

Here are my hotel recommendations

When you arrive in Venice, the first thing you have to do is get to your accommodation as quickly as possible to drop off your heavy luggage and stop wasting valuable energy!

🛥️ As soon as you arrive, check into your hotel room and buy your transportation ticket. As you’ll see in the tips I give you, part of it is doable on foot, but for the other part you’ll have to take the water buses. When tiredness sets in, it’s always good to have the option of public transportation. To save time, buy your ticket online before you arrive.

Ticket for the vaporetto

How many days are enough in Venice?

A very important question: time is limited and you want to make the most of it. Venice is definitely a city you could stay in for a whole week. But hotel costs and activities are usually expensive, so two full days in Venice is the perfect amount of time.

Remember these important rules when you visit Venice:

🥐 Breakfast: Maybe book a hotel with breakfast to start the day with energy!
🗺️ City map: Take a city map, which is usually available at the hotel reception. Getting lost is annoying and costs valuable time. Locals can help you quickly if you show them where you want to go on the map.
🍽️ Food: Pick out a few good restaurants and bars – suggestions will follow.
👟 Wear good shoes: Walking is an essential part of a visit to Venice.
🫡 Always be nice to everyone: Some locals may be annoyed by the many tourists who come to the city, which is typical for Venice. Stay calm and treat the hotel staff, bartenders and everyone else with respect.

This article will help you create an itinerary for these two days so that you don’t have to start planning as soon as you arrive. We’ll also give you tips on how to converse with the locals so that you feel comfortable and connected even if there is a language barrier.

How do I prepare for the trip?

How do I prepare for the trip?

Pack your bag carefully. Remember that Italy is not a cold city in spring, summer and fall. Don’t take oversized jackets or too much luggage, because that can be a pain! Go for minimalism. I’m sure you’ll find one or two items of clothing in Venice, which is known for its good fashion!

Of course, the best way to prepare for a trip to Venice is to arrive well rested, plan enough pocket money for the restaurant visits, because there you can recharge your batteries for the next activity, and book the tickets for the most important attractions you want to see in advance!

Online tickets for attractions

Day 1 : The main island

Here are four very nice activities you can do on your first day. I have presented activities that cannot be found on all other websites about Venice. A map with these four activities is attached. It is also recommended to keep this order.

📖 Acqua Alta Bookshop

Acqua Alta Bookshop

Have breakfast at 7 or 8am and then head straight to Acqua Alta Bookshop – an iconic bookshop where you can also take great photos for social media. The bookshop opens at 9am and it’s advisable to get there early in the morning to avoid queues.

🌉 Ponte Rialto

Ponte Rialto

The famous bridge in Venice. Take your time to enjoy the visit. Take some nice snapshots and sit by the water for a while. The atmosphere is fantastic. There are boats, gondolas, tourists and an overall breathtaking backdrop. Crossing the bridge is of course free of charge. The perfect place to buy a great souvenir from Venice!

📍 Plaza San Marco

Plaza San Marco

St. Mark’s Square, an icon in Venice, is a real feast for the eyes. Like the Ponte Rialto, it offers a beautiful backdrop that is sure to enchant you. A coffee in the square is a little expensive, but the experience is worth it.

✅ For those who want to immerse themselves in the rich history of the Doge’s Palace and Basilica, I offer a link to the best-selling tour. St. Mark’s Square – a must-see in Venice, rich in history and culture!

Best-selling tour in Venice

🛶 Gondola ride

Gondola ride

The experience of a lifetime: The most authentic thing you can do in Venice! It’s worth it. Take an authentic gondola ride through the canals of Venice. Sure, it’s not cheap, but let’s be honest: who knows if you can experience something like this again? Who knows if you’ll ever come to Venice again? Let’s make the most of it. All the information in my accompanying text.

Gondola rides in Venice

Day 2 : Excursion to the surrounding islands

You’ve seen the most important things in Venice. The first day was hectic and emotional. For the second day, I recommend something quieter.

Instead of having a day packed with activities, we should do two instead of four and always take the time to relax a little.

Here we go:

📍 Cannaregio


The old Jewish quarter in Venice is quieter. Here you can stroll through the streets without the crowds of tourists. You’ll find authentic restaurants, bars and small stores everywhere. Take the time to take a few snapshots for social media. Sit by the canal and enjoy being in Venice.

If you have skipped breakfast, you can start the day at the Rio della Misericordia, where there are many small restaurants. All information in my text about Cannaregio.

Text about Cannaregio

📍 Murano


Now we take the ferry and it’s time to visit Murano, an island near the main island of Venice. The trip takes about 45 minutes. The ticket is included in the ACTV ticket I mentioned at the beginning. It’s not an insider tip, but not everyone goes to Murano. And it’s definitely a must! Vibrant colourful houses, authentic island life, traditional lace making, charming canals and bridges, delicious seafood, peaceful atmosphere, unique heritage, beautiful views, arts and crafts. That’s probably the best way to describe Murano!

So take the whole afternoon to visit this magical island. You can find more information in my special article about the island.

Article about Murano

General restaurant tips in Venice

General restaurant tips in Venice

Here we go! The long-promised restaurant tips! You can save these pins in your Google Maps app so that you don’t have to search for the restaurant during your trip.

📍 San Marco area:

🍽️ Bistrot de Venise: Quiet, expensive, a pure, authentic Venice experience.
🍽️ Aldo Pasta: More of a small store. Suitable for take-away.
🍽️ Trattoria Al Gazzettino: With over 8000 positive reviews on Google Maps, this is a safe choice.

General restaurant tips in Venice

📍 Dorsoduro:

🍽️ Ristorante Riviera: The price for the view will be worth it. A once-in-a-lifetime experience. It’s worth it! Very expensive.
🍽️ Al Vecio Marangon: A simple but excellent restaurant.
🍽️ La Rusticheria Siciliana Venezia Dorsoduro: More like a bakery next to the canal. It also offers dishes. Delicious food.

📍 San Polo:

🍽️ Birraria La Corte: Pizza, beer and pasta. What more could you ask for?
🍽️ Muro San Stae: Local restaurant and simple cuisine.
🍽️ Ca‘ Leon: A simple restaurant right on the canals. Fabulous!

Is it safe to walk through Venice at night?

It is safe to walk through Venice at night. The usual problems with pickpocketing as in other cities such as Barcelona, Paris or London do not exist in Venice. You can go for a walk at night, sit outside in a café at night, take that last walk along the canals and take those last snapshots for Instagram. Venice is very safe at night!

Is Venice expensive? Do you need cash?

Alongside Rome, Florence and Milan, Venice is one of the most expensive cities in Italy! You should be well prepared and take plenty of pocket money with you when you visit the city. Restaurants, bars, souvenirs, gondola rides and visiting a certain number of attractions can quickly become quite expensive.

💸 Do you need cash? Sometimes it can be an advantage! The bartenders and service in the restaurant have a reputation for being unfriendly! Don’t worry, it’s not personal; it’s just an image they try to cultivate. Sometimes it’s quicker to pay directly with cash and leave a small tip than to pay by card. With a small tip, the service in restaurants will always be happy!

Is there a dress code in St. Mark’s Basilica?

Is there a dress code in St. Mark's Basilica?

St. Mark’s Basilica, a place of reverence and history, is subject to a dress code that reflects its sacred nature. Guests are asked to adhere to this dress code, i.e. to wear long pants, cover their shoulders and refrain from wearing miniskirts. This modest dress code is a sign of respect for the sanctity of the Basilica and the faith of the faithful.

If your clothing does not comply with the basilica’s dress code, you may be asked to cover up before entering the basilica. To avoid discomfort, it is advisable to bring a scarf or shawl, especially if you are coming in the warmer months when lighter clothing is common. This simple preparation can ensure a smooth and respectful visit to the basilica.

Is Venice a walkable city?

Yes, Venice is a walkable city. Everything can be done on foot. It is advisable to bring good shoes that don’t hurt and are comfortable to walk in. You may be walking for many hours a day, so it is not advisable to walk around the city in flip-flops that could hurt you.

As mentioned at the beginning of the text, it is also advisable to buy a ticket for public transportation. Although Venice is a city that can be explored on foot, it can be exhausting to walk for many hours, especially if you come in the summer months with high temperatures.

What is the most beautiful area in Venice?

What is the most beautiful area in Venice?

The most beautiful area in Venice is of course San Marco. Here you will find St. Mark’s Square, St. Mark’s Basilica, the Doge’s Palace and the famous La Fenice theatre. On the edge of this district you will find the Ponte Rialto and the church of Santa Maria della Salute, which you can visit for free (a boat trip is required to get to the church). The area is rich in restaurants, bars and souvenir stores. It is also the most popular area of Venice.

If you want to take the best snapshots for your Instagram pictures, I recommend the Dorsoduro district. It is more authentic and here you will also find the typical Venetian colourful houses and small canals.

What is the best month to visit Venice?

Many travellers consider April, May, September and October to be the best months to visit Venice.

April and May: Pleasant spring temperatures, which are usually between 12°C and 21°C, and blooming flowers give the city its charm. Fewer tourists than in the summer months make it easier to explore the city without the crowds of the high season. The Venice Biennale (art exhibition) starts in May and offers cultural experiences without the high season rush.

September and October: Mild and pleasant fall temperatures between 14°C and 23°C, with clear skies and less humidity than in summer. The summer crowds have thinned out, but the city still has a lively atmosphere. The Venice International Film Festival takes place at the beginning of September, attracting filmmakers and celebrities.

Why not summer or winter?

Summer (June to August): Although the weather is warm, it can be hot and humid in Venice, with average temperatures between 18°C and 28°C. The city is also crowded with tourists and prices for accommodation and attractions are at their highest.

Winter (November to February): Venice is much quieter and hotel prices are lower. However, the weather can be cool and damp, with temperatures ranging from 0 °C to eight °C. There is also a risk of “acqua alta” (high water), which can lead to flooding in parts of the city.

✅ Summary: If you prefer mild weather, fewer crowds and a lively atmosphere, April, May, September and October are ideal for a visit to Venice. They offer a balance of pleasant weather and manageable tourist crowds, so you can enjoy the beauty and charm of the city.

Do you have to dress up in Venice?

Italians are elegant, dressed up and always appropriately dressed for every occasion. Take your best clothes with you in your suitcase, then you can keep up:).

✅ Otherwise, a good tip is to perhaps take a little less clothing with you and buy authentic Italian fashion directly in Venice! By the way: We are not in Milan, there are a lot of tourists here and you will find all kinds of styles in Venice.


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